God is doing great things!
Jarret Keith, the Founder & Executive Director of Testimony Ministries, shares about the importance of this reunion.
Real Life Examples of Gospel-Centered Justice!
The Testimony of Pillar of Fire Church SD
Pastors Danny and Martin share about their journey planting Pillar of Fire Church SD in the inner-city and how God is using them to go back inside of prisons as a guiding light to those who are where they once were!
The Testimony of New Hope Honey Makers
Mike Kurtz shares the amazing things God has been doing in his life after incarceration and about this sweet ministry effort that is happening through his faithful o-BEE-dience to the Lord!
The Testimony of Christian Grace Ministries
Pastor Lawrence Floyd shares about the special origins of Christian Grace Ministries, as well as how he has kept himself and the ministry going despite the many difficulties he has experience in reentry!
Testimony Internships
Sithy Bin and Alwin Smith each successfully completed a Testimony Internship and are now serving in the local church and transforming their communities!
Seek Gospel-Centered Justice With Us!
The Testimony Reunion brings believers who have experienced incarceration together from all over California to celebrate freedom with local churches and other community supporters! The reunion is a part of our effort to create a statewide support network, increase access to empowering opportunities, and provide practical pathways for testimonies to pursue the call of God in reentry. REUNION 2023
What did God do at the 1st ever Testimony Reunion?
Fellowship & Fun
Testimonies, urban ministry Leaders, local church partners, prison ministries, community allies and more gather together to celebrate FREEDOM!
Ministry Networking
Urban ministry leaders will share what God is doing through them and we can learn about more ways to support them and serve together!
Praise & Worship
Praise and worship music lead by believers in reentry, we will sing our hearts out to God for the goodness of our freedom and faith!
Guest Speakers & Testimonies
Testimonies and ministry leaders will be highlighted. There will be special guests, such as Dr. Don Davis from The Urban Ministry Institute!
Love Feast
We will enjoy a meal together! The Habit Burger and With Love Cafe will be delicious! There will be time for communion during this love feast as well.
Group Picture
Hundreds of years of lived experience with incarceration will be represented at this reunion. We will take a group picture together!