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We are mobilizing the people of God to seek Gospel-centered justice in response to mass incarceration and it's collateral consequences on our neighbors. Our vision is to transform harmful narratives about incarceration through centering the voice and lived experience of testimonies, creating proximity to impacted community members, & building community collaboration through innovative partnerships.


I have come to set at liberty those who are oppressed

Jesus Christ


Empowered Inside

This program supports participants to access personal transformation, leadership development, and other practical life skills while creating an opportunity for incarcerated students to connect with a pathway towards higher education.

The Urban Ministry Institute

Testimony Ministries is a satellite campus for incarcerated students who are pursuing theological education and hands-on ministry training. The Urban Ministry Institute is a 3-4 Seminary Level Educational Program that provides in person instruction and access to higher education through offering credits that are transferrable to participating Christian colleges and seminaries.


Seeking Gospel-Centered Justice


As a young Cambodian refugee, Sithy grew up in poverty, then he was incarceration as youth. Despite being granted a sentence reduction, due to his great transformation, he still is being threatened with deportation. Advocate with us for Sithy by by signing his pardon application.

Seeking Gospel-Centered Justice


Justin Chung is a Korean immigrant at risk for deportation to Korea. He immigrated to the United States at the age of 2, tried as an adult age of 16, and incarcerated with a life sentence. Now, God has set Justin free, but he is facing deportation. Use the link below to learn more about Justin and how to support.

Books for Gospel-Centered Justice

What EVERY Church Should Know About Prison Ministry: A Study and Training Manual

What Every Church Should Know!

book 1

This book is written by Dr. Linda Lee Smith Barkman and blends her 30 years of experience being incarcerated with her academic brilliance as a PhD scholar who studied at Fuller Theological Seminary. Must read for those involved with prison ministry.

Biblical Quotes and Their Impact Upon an Ex-Gangsta Due To Revelations Of The Holy Spirit That Changed His Life

The Power of God's Word!

book 2

This book is written by a currently incarcerated believer who has experienced a radical transformation by the power of the gospel. Learn about what God is doing behind the prison walls!

Stories of Praise

Our Joy Comes From The Lord!

book 3

This book is written by a husband and wife ministry team that met by God’s providence while Patrick was serving his 30th year of incarceration. Despite what the world said, they discovered the power of praising God in a hopeless world!


Believing that those who have been convicted of crimes by the court can be used by God to bless our community and advocating for them accordingly is Gospel Centered Justice.